With Oasis reuniting I thought it might be a good time to talk about rebuilding relationships.
Much like Liam and Noel, I'm sure we've all experienced difficulties in relationships, whether it's with a sibling, partner, friend or other family member. The breakdown of any relationship can be really emotionally tough and can even effect your self esteem and confidence in others.
We can all speculate on why the Gallagher brothers might have decided to reunite but I think this brings up an important point - why do you want to rebuild a relationship after a period of separation. Is it because you simply just want that person back in your life? Some times we can reflect on a past relationship and see that, with personal growth on both sides you might be able to have a stronger, more stable relationship now. Or, we might reflect and realise that we want to keep that person in our past. Is it because it feels like an obligation? We might feel like there is pressure to keep or rebuild a relationship to provide benefit to someone else. The questions to ask yourself here is "does it actually benefit someone else?", "am I being encouraged to keep this person in my life for the comfort of others?" and "is it worth it for me?". Is it because they have reached out and you want to give it another chance? "You might have heard from the other person and had an apology from them or they might just be contacting you to see if there's a chance of resolution. I'm sure there are millions of other reasons you might want to reconnect with someone from your past but exploring why is a key step in ensuring that this is the right thing for you.
Whatever your reasoning, once you've decided to rebuild a relationship it's important to rebuild the trust you once had in each other. Both parties should be able to reflect on their own input into the break down of the relationship and also the behaviour of the other person too. Once trust is broken rebuilding it can take time and patience on both sides. Taking things slowly, listening to each other and communicating your feelings can help in growing trust in any relationship.
You might want to consider boundaries that you need to put in place to provide yourself with a sense of safety in the relationship and for the other to know your expectations of them. If someone else sets boundaries with you it is important that you respect them, so that they know you are listening to their needs in the relationship. You can take the opportunity to reflect on why a boundary might have been set with and look at behaviour you might want to change.
Once you have explored why you're rebuilding, become able to reflect and become open to the rebuilding of the relationship. If you can both communicate openly, set and respect each others boundaries and start rebuilding trust in each other you should hopefully see development in rebuilding of a relationship with someone you have reconnected with.
